Our Community Forums offer the Tri2Surf community a chance to hear women share their stories about how they nourish their well-being and the challenges and obstacles that may have gotten in their way.

The forums are a work in progress and the interview schedule and recordings will be posted soon. Tri2Surf’s newsletter will keep everyone informed as well.

Community Forum Topics: Body image challenges/body advocacy. Surfing: How to get started and what it means to be out in the water; Surfing and multi-sport: How to do it all and the obstacles and triumphs of the journey. First long distance Ironman race and the athelte’s stories that led up to it -challenges, barriers, life-lessons, celebrations. What got started as a passion turned into a calling turned into a business.

Wetsuits & Spandex: A blog where we share the trials and tribulations, challenges and successes of starting triathlon racing at 50, surfing at 57, and how women experience ageism and what we all are doing to break it apart.


Listen to podcasts that feature the Tri2Surf team on topics ranging from starting triathlon racing and surfing to taking the leap to leave full-time work to travel solo.

Feisty Menopause’s podcast is for active performance-minded women, and its host, Selene Yeager, interviews Tri2Surf founder, Lisa Alfano, on her podcast Hit Play Not Pause: Surfing the turbulent waters of midlife and menopause. “Sometimes it can be really helpful to immerse yourself in something new and Lisa embodies that as well as anyone I have ever spoken to.”

Lisa Hoashi’s podcast Leap Like Me offers real stories, inspiration and practical advice on how to make purposeful, intentional changes in life – and sustain them. I was a guest on Leap Like Me where we talked about the journey it took to arrive at founding Tri2Surf with some of the challenges experienced along the way. As Lisa said in her notes, “She encourages all of us not to wait to go after our dreams, but to get support and then take the big leaps as soon as we feel the pull.”  Click to hear the podcast and read the show notes.

In the Do Good Surf Club Surf Stories, they explore the lives and origin stories of some of their favorite surfers, artists, musicians, activists and surf photographers. Tri2Surf founder, Lisa, was interviewed for a Surf Story and the contents is here - Do Good Surf Stories